TR Funding Support Programs
This past November, we hosted our annual Tourism Revelstoke Stakeholder Event and received feedback that our stakeholders want to better understand the opportunities that exist to work with us.
As a result of this feedback, we’ve recently launched our Tourism Revelstoke Funding Support Programs, which are designed to support local businesses and organizations with visitor-facing experiences or to showcase the destination.
Applications are available for:
Film Projects
Event Support
Consumer Shows
Marketing Grant (Non-Profit Organizations Only)
Revelstoke Women’s Enduro | P Laura Szanto
Additionally, in support of our Destination Management Plan Action #16 (Host a Climate and Tourism 101 session), Tourism Revelstoke is excited to offer a free Climate Change 101 presentation to any local organization that is interested in having us come and speak to their staff/members/guests about this topic.
We love supporting our local businesses and non-profit organizations, so whether you’re looking for financial support, promotional support, or marketing support to get your ideas off the ground, give us a shout!