This plan presents our community’s long-term vision to make Revelstoke the best place it can be for residents, visitors, and the next generations.
The community’s vision.
Revelstoke is a sustainable mountain community that balances environmental, economic, social, and cultural values within a local, regional, and global context. We are a world-class destination while being an authentic and vibrant community for our residents.
What’s a DMP and why is it important for Revelstoke?
A Destination Management Plan (DMP) is a shared statement of intent to manage a destination over a stated period of time. It is a plan to manage the visitor economy in a destination. Revelstoke is becoming a popular tourist destination, and it’s essential that we plan and manage for growth in a way that benefits our community.
The audacious goal.
Through our extensive community engagement process, it became clear that housing was the most pressing concern for residents and stakeholders. We have articulated this in a central goal: we will make significant strides within the next five years to ensure that everyone who is in Revelstoke to build community will have adequate housing. It is time to galvanize efforts towards solving the the housing crisis in Revelstoke.
Who made the DMP and how was it made?
The management effort is being led by Tourism Revelstoke with the support of the City of Revelstoke, the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce, and other key stakeholders. However, this plan’s success requires the support of all who want to contribute to what our city can become. View a chart of roles and responsibilities for more detail.
The DMP was informed in part by a community survey. See the survey results and methodology.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of Pacifican and the CSRD Economic Opportunity Fund.
How can I get involved?
We welcome ongoing engagement with this plan. The goal is for this plan to develop and respond to our community’s needs as they arise. Please provide us with feedback and input directly.

Tourism is a positive and regenerative force that supports the community environmentally, economically, socially,and culturally.
Community members of all abilities, backgrounds, and identities are welcomed and have their needs met.
Tourism protects and regenerates the local environment, and its participants take climate action for the benefit of generations to come.
Artists and cultural practices thrive in Revelstoke, which makes a rich environment for diversity, creativity, community connection, and satisfying visits.
Tourism takes responsibility for its holistic impact, including the positive and negative externalities resulting from visitation. The sector pays its way, addresses economic leakage, and operates within its carrying capacity.
There are four strategies to reach Revelstoke’s vision for 2073. Each strategy and their corresponding actions have been developed to meet our community’s needs and align with the renewed purpose of tourism in Revelstoke.
View each strategy below or download a PDF.
Tourism Revelstoke takes one or more of these roles in completing each action:
Tourism Revelstoke leads the project and will make it happen.
Tourism Revelstoke works with other parties and will coordinate efforts to complete the action.
Tourism Revelstoke expresses support for the action, but implementaion is beyond Tourism Revelstoke’s scope as an organization.
Tourism Revelstoke will seek out partners to strengthen our efforts.

Tourism Revelstoke will monitor and track four KPIs to ensure successfully delivery of the goals of this plan.
Availability of secure housing based on job vacancies and rental occupancy.
Resident sentiment towards the quality of life in Revelstoke, ascertained through ongoing community surveying.
Carbon emissions per tourism dollar spent in the community.
Visitor sentiment ascertained through Net Promoter Score or comparable data.