How to get involved | Tourism Talks

One of the things that visitors notice when they come to Revelstoke is the vibrance and authenticity of our community. We constantly hear feedback that our visitors are impressed with how friendly, accommodating, and passionate Revelstoke locals are. To that end, it’s important to Tourism Revelstoke that we engage with our residents. We value your input, and there are a number of ways for you to have your say in tourism in our town. 1.

  1. Join the RTAC The RTAC is an advisory body to Revelstoke’s Destination Marketing Organization (Tourism Revelstoke). The RTAC is a diverse group of representatives from the local tourism industry, whose purpose is to make recommendations and provide feedback to the DMO on tourism initiatives, issues, development, and marketing. The goal of this committee is to broaden input from the tourism sector. The RTAC is currently looking for 3 additional members - one representing the arts sector, one representing a tourism stakeholder, and one from the public at large. If you are interested in a seat on this committee, or know someone who would be a great addition, please email for a nomination form. Nominations close on February 29, 2020.

  2. Provide input on our Short List There are places we promote to visitors and places we don’t. We’ve developed a shortlist for the visitor centre and for our social media that outlines which places we will promote to visitors and tag on social media. Of course, visitors may discover some of our hidden gems on their own, but they’ll have to delve a little deeper than our social media feeds. Please take a look at our Short List and let us know if you have any concerns about the specific places that we’ll tag or promote. We’ve selected the locations based on their capacity, prominence, and accessibility. Check out our Short List at:

  3. Engage with us at Farmers Markets and Local Events If you have an opinion, an idea, or some constructive feedback for us, we’d love to hear it. To find out what we’re up to, follow us on social media, check out our website, come to the Visitor Information Centre, and read this column every month. Provide us with direct feedback at one of our pop-ups - we’ll be at some Farmer’s Markets this summer, and at various Tourism events, and of course, we’re always happy to chat.

  4. Fill out our upcoming Tourism Engagement Survey Look for our Tourism Engagement Survey coming up later this year. We want to make it easy for you to let us know what you think, so we’ll be putting out an online survey.

The economic impact of tourism is far reaching; it doesn’t just benefit our retailers, accommodators, and restaurants. Tourism dollars help to boost our tax base through the MRDT and fund infrastructure projects through the Resort Municipality Initiative. Let us know what you think about tourism in our town!


Tourism Revelstoke Wins Professional Excellence Award


MRDT | Tourism Talks